
We're going to need a bigger boat

Yesterday I got down to the animatic and knocked out 1,000 frames of it (whole movie should be 9,000). But then disaster struck. Well, in a mild form anyway. I was cleaning up some files I had littered around the place when I accidentally deleted the animatic file and lost the evenings work. Not quite as bad as it sounds: having done it once it would be easier to do it a second time round.

It made me realize two things though: the enormity of the task ahead and that I need to do the narration first to pin the script down and get the timings.

The render time was quite troubling too: I worked out it would take about 4 hours to do a complete animatic: that's not too bad for the animatic, but I had a lot of things turned off for that, so I don't have much headroom to turn things back on for the final render.

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