
Tomorrow is another day

No pics today :(

I've put a lot of work in this evening, but without getting much further, as most of it's been learning and repair. I've set up a new scene for animating, repaired some eyes and forearms, worked out camera changing, worked out multiple instances of models. I'm still not sure when I'll finish, but I know it isn't imminent. It's still feeling like fun though, and I still feel I'll complete it before the next self-imposed deadline.

Really, I'm itching to start the next project, though I don't know for sure what that's going to be. I think there will be another one before the actual film festival competition and I have some ideas knocking around, though nothing really specific. I should be more careful about logging these ideas, so I've got a journal of interesting stuff to fall back on. I'll probably impose another 10-day limit on the next project too, just to try and get into a routine of being able to pare everything down to 10 days.

The good news is that I'm on to the animating side, which I think is going to be fun, but time consuming, since I have to render out a few frames to see what it will really look like. Just renedered out 200 frames and it took about half an hour, so that works out at just under a day to render the whole thing, which is what I'd been budgeting.

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